Let your guests order room service through our digital menu without any hassle!
Through FOODITO, your guests are able to browse the full menu on their phone in their chosen language without downloading any additional apps and get their order in no time!
You will be able to control the digital menu, easily make any edits to the menu at any time, and analyze customer data through our solution!
Switching to a digital menu means that you are able to put the QR code on signage or flyers in each room, or even the guest's room access card. They can then scan the code with their device and start browsing the menu with ease by using a customer-friendly format.
FOODITO room service starts from €150 onetime fee, per sales channel – all-inclusive. Only pay for what you use, period. Start your channel today!
per channel
* All fees are billed in Euro
* A minimum of one sales channels is required.
Plac Solny 15, (Rynek)
50-062, Wrocław,
All rights reserved 2021